Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Autumn in Torrey/ revised

Here it is with faced finishing instead of ribbon, and I quilted the tops of the clouds with white silk thread. You canbarely see it, but it seemed to define the clouds more without spoiling the wispy effect. What do you all think now?


  1. I couldn't figure out how to put text with the revised pictures, but here iit is with faced finishing instead of ribbon, and I quilted the tops of the clouds with white silk thread. You canbarely see it, but it seemed to define the clouds more without spoiling the wispy effect. What do you all think now? Is this what you meant?

    I so much appreciate all yoursuggestions, thank you

    Cherie in Del Mar

  2. Cheri, it looks great! I like the effect you got with the clouds...adds even more to the depth.

  3. I really like it with the facing and the added stitching on the clouds is very effective visually.

  4. Oh, I love this! I for one really liked the ribbon around the edges, but now that I see it without I love it this way more.

    The quilting in the sky is perfect. It gives it a little more texture and balances out the quilt more.

    The changes you made do give the piece more life and this quilt is beautiful.

    I may have to try the foil on a quilt one day. I have never heard/saw that before and am amazed.

  5. Cherie - Your changes definitely added more richness to an already great piece. I think the delicate bit of quilting on the sky turned out very well. I also liked the original binding and the added sheen but I actually prefer it the way you have it finished now.

    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with in the future.


  6. Such simple shapes and dramatic colors that draw you in a back. Great!


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