Friday, October 20, 2006

Autumn is Coming - by MAK

Oct 2006 Fast Friday Fabric Challenge
Created by MAK

- Autumn colors were used

- Depth created by color and inset circles - some circles are behind others.

The dimensions are 2 ft x 2 ft -

The quilt is now traveling with Rainbow Resource Co - as a booth model.


  1. Hi MAK, where do you buy your fabrics...they are fantastic! These little portals into nature are really lovely. There's a stillness and peaceful feeling to the piece. The only comment I can think of to consider is: Would more value contrast between the background and the circle borders make it more eye-catching? I think this quilt probably has more impact up close than further away because of the moderate contrast.

    I look forward to seeing more of your work.

  2. You definately achieved depth and balance with this piece. The colors were well chosen. There is good eye movement while looking at this quilt. Good Job!

  3. I like the circles. They are engaging and pleasing to the eye. Looks like lovely quilting too.


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