Sunday, October 15, 2006

Harvest Moons

Here is Harvest Moons. The fabric is ArtFabrik by Laura Wasilowski. Fabulous stuff. I free motion cut the fabric, heavily quilted it and then appliqued the moons. I think I will remove the moons, make them slighly larger and reapply them. (Thanks to the use of Misty Fuse, I can do this with a little bit of heat.)

Everyone I know who has died, has died in the fall. This fall brough two deaths -- my uncle and my friend's mother. They were waning at the time of this challenge and both died within a week of my finishing this piece.


  1. Hi there,
    This is my kind of piece...very graphic with saturated colors combined with it! If you are going to take the circles off, consider varying the sizes of the circles to get even more interest.


  2. Hi Rebecca - What a striking piece you have made. I have a little bit of Laura's fabric left from a previous project and find myself hoarding it. You have made great use of the gradations in color. I don't have any suggestions for improvement - the piece is very cohesive right down to the shapely borders.

    I will look forward to seeing more.


  3. I agree with Cynthia..I love this piece! Different sizes of circles is the only thing that would make it better.

  4. I love the colors and the quilting you've done. Great movement that seems to flow across the piece. I agree that the moons should be of varying sizes to add more interest and before you remove those there lay any new ones over these. Also, rather than an up from the left and then down to the right, maybe a continual downward flow from left to right or right to left? Give it a try.

  5. Thank you for the great feedback. I do like the idea of varying the size of the moons. However, placement of the moons is fixed in four spots -- since they hide where I joined two pieces to get a different color variation.

    I'll play with it some in the next week and see what I come up with.

    Thank you everybody!

  6. Great job! I love the bright colors against the black. It's a very engaging composition, full of movement and the wavy border is wonderful. Do consider leaving at least some of the small moons in. I'm looking forward to seeing the difference bewteen the before and after (I'm sure both will be wonderful, just a slightly different look and feel).

    May God hold you in the palm of his hand at this difficult time of year.


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