Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Just Beyond the Next Hill

Sky is unbleached muslin painted with acrylics.
Cotton prints, aiming for a graduation of values and colors. Had to go with blacks and grays as the leaves were lost on Autumn colors.
3-D objects were a variety of leaves from my yard prepared with the
Precious Petals directions.
I used gold chiffon on the front and gold tulle on the back.
Penny Sue Irwin


  1. Hi Penny - I like your leaf-trees. What a great idea. I think you have met your goal of depth with the winding road and use of color.

    To me there is a simple charm to this little quilt and I think I can attribute that to the clean shapes as well as the little floral print that begins the path. By the way, what material did you use to make your path?


  2. The leaf tress are my favorite part of the quilt! The winding path is nice. I love the detail on the leaves. If you are looking for something to improve upon, I would suggest adding more quilting. Right now it seems the path and leaves are the only things quilted. The is really pretty though, and your quilt does have depth.

  3. Please could you check the Precious Petals directions link. I would love to read more about this technique.

  4. Hi Penny, I really like that you used the more neutral blacks and grays to effectively highlight your leaf trees. The rolling hills and the smaller leaf trees in the distance create good depth, too. The similiar shapes of the leaf trees unify the whole piece and the single roundish shaped one mixes it up to make it interesting. I like it alot.

  5. Quilting suggestions - it might be fun to have some curvey line on the hills..the first hill echo the curve of the hilltop, the second hill echo the curve of the path, the third hill echo the curve of the hilltop again, then stipple the sky to push it back. What I do to find my quilting designs is print out several copies of the piece and mark them up with possible quilting lines/motifs and see what I like best

  6. LOVE the leaf trees!!! Very charming.

    Great composition. The rolling hills and winding path are effective and pleasing shapes. The reducing size of the elements in the distance (trees, path) makes for good depth.

    The black in the middle hill overpowers the front gray calico though. It reads almost as a pond. I see what you mean about not wanting to use autumn colors for them though. What about muted greens (darkest/brightest in front, lightest/dullest in back)? Sort of along the shade of the green tree in the far background.


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