Saturday, November 04, 2006

Beneath the Tumtum Tree

16" x 13"

The Tumtum tree is a pleasant place in or near the tulgey wood where you can rest a bit while you contemplate facing your fears. And so I have contrasted the Tumtum tree with the dark tulgey wood. I was going for a fairytale likeness when choosing my colors.

I was going to depict the Jabberwock with curvey bits of a serpent like creature with prairie point scales partially visible through the trees, but this wasn’t possible with a small scale. The prairie points stayed to allude to the Jabberwock, and I decided rick rack would compliment them on a smaller scale.


  1. Oh Linda! Your quilt is beautiful. You have created such wonderful texture on the tree trunk and with the leaves. I love the bits of green in the background and the prairie points tucked into the patchwork/piecing.

    Wonderful choice of colors and so beautifully completed.

    I can't think of a thing I would change about the quilt.

  2. I just love the tree in this piece... so realisic in the texture of the bark and shape of the branches. The bright colors set off the darkness and illustrate the dark and triumphant tone of the poem.

    I see nthing I would change.

    Very well done!

  3. It is a lovely piece! The colors you chose and the piecing method give it an abstract surreal mood. Spooky woods!


  4. Hi Linda,
    Brilliant piece...I really like the surprises of the bark, prairie points, rick rack and prints. The colors and fabrics show wonderful constrasts in texture, value and luminosity. The feeling I get is a dark forest filled with hidden things...enticing but dangerous at the same time.
    Great job!

  5. I think this is a great piece. I really like how the prairie points add to the texture, yet keep the piece sort of whimsical at the same time. The colors are wonderful. It really fits the poem. Great job!

  6. I love your fairytale colors! The use of the prairie points and rick rack is very effective, as well as the strips of fabric, in suggesting a dark forest with something hiding in it. The fabrics have a wide variety of visual textures that keep it interesting. I wouldn't change a thing.


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