Friday, November 03, 2006

Beware the Jabberwock!

My piece is 16" x 22". Nothing really tricky (unless you call using 30+different fabrics) tricky. Bleeding on the fabric was unintentional butit added to the mood.


  1. Thankfully I can't see the blood! All the fabrics give this so much texture.

    The eye is so startling in this I have the sense of walking through a dark and spooky woods .... suddenly there it is looking at me.

    Well done!

  2. Hi Joanna,
    I've enjoyed looking at your unique, interesting piece. Great job on the textural element...the tree fabric is very tactile and the patchwork section is rich with texture from the different patterns, shapes and colorations. The round wide eye seems more curious and innocent (maybe even scared...maybe of the boy with the sword and all those slithy toves!)

    A couple things I thought of to consider: is the attached leaf adding or detracting from the composition?
    Would a curved or irregular edge on the right side and lower right make that side of the quilt more interesting? Would cropping the piece a bit on the right side increase the balance and the mystery of the piece? If I hold my finger over the right edge, just to the right edge of the pupil of the eye, I see a less symmetrical, more interesting and mysterious eye.

    This has been fun, hasn't it? I look forward to seeing your next piece!

  3. I love the collage of all those fabrics, great job on that. The composition is pleasing and well-balanced. I wonder how it would look if you added a highlight or sparkle to the eye?


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