Saturday, November 25, 2006


Challenge # 3 - Friday, 24 Nov 06

Challenge Hostess – Gena Flatley

Theme - Maker’s Choice for color, fabric, and theme

Design Element – Non-traditional shape or odd-shaped quilt

Design and complete a small work that is a “non-traditional shape” or odd-shape quilt. The interpretations for this element are unlimited. The quilt might be round, oval or hexagonal, for example. It might be a rectangle that has out-jutting parts, or a square quilt that has the center cut out. Or a long snake of a piece, 6 inches x 6 feet, or a free-standing sculptural quilt. Or several separate quilts attached together some way. Another interpretation might be a quilt with a large 3-D shape attached to it (think pregnant belly protrusion, or Mick Jagger sticking his tongue out). The quilt might be many parts hung together with some type of scaffolding system.

Due - Saturday, Noon EST, 2 Dec 06.

One final requirement - HAVE FUN WITH THIS!

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