Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Has thou slain the Jabberwock?

My 15 x 15" quilt is fused applique using a variety of fabrics and fabric manipulation for texture, including gold lame for swords, hand pleated batik for a tree trunk and hand-dyed velvet free motion stitched onto tyvek & melted for some of the grass.

Comments/critique appreciated, please! A couple things I'm ambivalent about....the color scheme and/or the background may be too cheery. And the tree tops are cut off.



  1. Hi Cynthia - your quilt delights the eye - the colors play off one another and the combinations of fabrics and sinuous trees just grabbed me. I like the depth suggested by the quilting and the texture and shadows you have added with thread. It is interesting to me that you felt that the colors scheme or background might not be quite what you wanted and weren't sure about the tree tops being cut off. The cropping of the tree tops and the sharp pointy things coming in from the right side are, I think, part of why this quilt works so well.

    I would love to see this work as the basis for something in a large scale.



  2. Well, thank you Roberta. I think my ambivalence is the conflict between my head wanting things to be logical and my gut knowing what I really want! I'm glad I listened to my gut. Thanks again for your comments


  3. This is beautiful!

    The trees, the texture, the playful scene you have created. I love the quilting in the background and your use of colors.

  4. I love your color scheme, especially the purple. The black and white pieces are what really makes the palette sing.

    The composition is lively and interesting, your quilting is great, and so is the pleated tree trunk. I wouldn't change a thing.

    I was wondering about how the edges are finished, since they're cut out of the photo. I'm very interested in quilt-edge treatments these days.

  5. Thanks, Laura! I didn't want a binding on this one, so I faced the quilt edge.


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