Sunday, November 05, 2006

Jubjub Bird in the Tumtum Tree

19 3/4"w x 17 1/2"l
Made from cottons (some with touch of copper or gold. Quilted with copper thread, black & copper thread, and invisible thread. Two beads for the eye.

I realize that this is NOT necesssarily abstract---but---the poetry had its way with me and told me what to do. I just couldn't help it. I love the sound of non-sensical verse. The piece seemed to just flow together. I wish the poetry could have helped me with the quilting---I thought I'd never finish. There must be a mile or more of thread there.


  1. Sally... who cares if its not abstract? I love the bird and how you used fabric so effectively. How hard was that to fussy cut?

    And miles and miles of thread are just perfect!

    The bird has such an attitude! I can almost hear the cackle of its call! Good job!

  2. No, it is not abstract, but it is beautiful! The tree and bird are great and I love the textures you have created for the ground.

  3. The fabrics work so well to create this bird and the background are they hand dyed?

    The quilting looks great.

  4. I love the free-style bird. So magical looking. Now I know what to do with the fabric like yours that I have in blues!
    Great job!


  5. Hi Sally,
    Very masterful use of commercial prints and wonderful composition! I like that you used all plays up the fanciful bird and interesting tree. Using all neutrals successfully can be difficult, you really have to get the value constrasts right or it doesn't pop. You've done an extraordinary job with both the constrasts in value and texture.

    This little bird seems to be an observer in the Jabberwocky saga...a clever take on the challenge. It's fun to see a much different interpretation mixed in with our scary forests, trees gone bad and jabber monsters.

    2 questions: how small is that perfect binding? where can I find some of that tree fabric?


  6. I think you did a great job on this piece. I'm a little partial because your background fabric is one of my favorite pieces of fabric in my stash! I agree that your use of the neutral fabrics was very successful, and I think the fabrics themselves do a great job of creating texture in the piece. I really feel that you have "captured" the jubjub bird!

  7. I also have some of the bird's fabric: both the lovely marbled fabric print and probably the dark batik too. Great use of fabrics. I love the eye. And if miles of thread is what it takes, so be it!


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