Sunday, November 26, 2006

Swamp Constellation

I have posted my completed piece Swamp Constellation measuring about 11 by 12 inches.

I'm taking a design class and am working on lily pads this month so figured I'd go ahead and use them for this challenge as well.

Each lily pad is sewn together with batting - then quilted with a dark green thread. They are attached by beads to represent the rhizomes. The entire piece is hung by a chop stick.

Over all interesting challenge - I wouldn't have actually thought to go this way. I debated on adding additional rhizomes but decided to keep the piece as is. I also considered letting it sit for a few days to see if anything else was needed - but figured I'd call it done and move on. I will keep in mind some more unique quilt shapes.

Lisa - In Seattle


  1. I really love this piece Lisa. Are the beads strung on wire to keep the lily pads separated? What if you made a "pond" to hang behind the lily pads, and then suspend them a little (maybe i/2" or so) in front of the pond. Just a thought, but it really doesn't need anything. It's very cool!

    Cherie in Del Mar

  2. I love the idea but would like to see something else added to them. Maybe a flower, frog, insect??? Also, would it help to turn some of the lily pads different directions so they don't seem so 'set and patterned'?


  3. Very interesting interpretation of the theme. Isn't it great when something you are working on can do duel duty.

  4. Hi Lisa - This work seems very serene to me. I like the lily pads going in the same direction - I think the uniformity adds to the peaceful feeling. There's something a bit oriental in the simple repetition of shape and color. I also like its name.


  5. I love the way you have attached them together with the beads. The chopstick seems a bit out of place You might try putting loops on the back of the top lily pads and hanging it from two separate hooks.

    I aggre with Jan that one of something different added would be nice to break up the repetition.

  6. Hi Lisa,
    This is a unique, creative piece. I like the green colors and beading. And the quilting lines and shapes are very effective in portraying the lily pads. I have a couple things to consider:

    Would it be more interesting to have more variety of value constrast in the fabrics, and slightly differing shapes, sizes and placement? There are 3 lily pads that are more interesting to me...they are the ones with darker or lighter spotches/striations in the fabrics

    Was it photographed hanging on the wall straight on? It looks a little distorted perspective-wise in the photo.

    A dragonfly or something like a couple others have suggested would be a great contrasting element to add.

    Good job, Lisa...I look forward to seeing more of your work!

  7. I like the repetition of the lily pads and connecting them with the beads is very clever.

    It is great as is, but would also look stunning with a fuschia water lily (do they come in that color?) for contrast and focal point. It could even come out dimensionally in front of the lily pads like the way that water flowers grow out above the lily pads, using wire or something.


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