Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Who Shall Slay The King?

18.5" x 21.5"

Techniques include trapunto, fusing, machine piecing, applique and quilting, pillowcase-style finish

I chose purple and black as base colors because I think of the poem as dark and as taking place in Medieval times which I equate to kings, castles, and royalty. The choice to depict a playing card comes partially from Alice in Wonderland and partially as a means to draw a king. I have made my king the Jabberwock himself. He carries a silver hatchet, (the blade is trapunto) as either to slay or be slain. Texture is incorporated by the use of glitter paint, chenille rick-rack, and felt. Each section was glue-tacked to the black and then machine appliqued using numerous decorative stitches. Even more stitches were added with green thread serving double duty as decor and quilting. Disclaimer: Any political associations derived by the reader assuming the ruler of our country is depicted as evil are purely coincidental and cannot be attributed to the artist. Thanks.


  1. Your colors are fantastic and I love the playing card look. Your quilt is so well balanced.

    Great job!

  2. Hi Valerie,
    Very clever! and very nicely executed design. The sparkle and variety of fabrics and threads really add alot of texture.

    The mirror image of the design works well, too...sometimes that looks too symmetrical, but the off-kilter stance of the king prevents that.

    My only comment is about the edges...the puckering is a bit of a distraction. I've never had good luck with pillow case technique, though some people manage to get it flat and smooth...I don't know how!

    I'll look forward to seeing more of your work!

  3. I really like your approach to this challenge as well. I particularly like the red eyes. I agree with Cynthia that the edge is a distraction, but for me it's the color; I think I'd rather see one of the rich colors from the piece on the edge, maybe the red. I also like your disclaimer!

  4. I love the colors. The green thread really pops out and adds a nice contrast to the purple. The mirror imaging makes it an intriguing composition. The eye kind of circles around and around without dropping away from the piece.


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