Friday, December 01, 2006

Challenge #3

Challenge #3 (approx 16"x24")
I started this one thinking I would make a bunch of individual circles, quilt them, and somehow tie them together (no design drawn up ahead which is a real challenge for me). I did that (bottom photo), and although I liked the openings between the circles, I didn't like the overall effect of the piece (looked too "rectangular" to me). So, I decided to create a backdrop for the piece. As usual, when I try to do something simple I make it complicated. Anyway, I created the backdrop by fusing onto 2 layers of pellon, quilted it with metallic thread, and then completed the edge with satin stitch. I then added the original piece to the backdrop piece, leaving some of the overlaying edges free. In retrospect, I wish I had left more edges free, or maybe hand stitched them so they wouldn't "smoosh" down so much, but anyone who knows me knows I avoid hand work like the plague. Middle photo: end result; first photo: detail. I have not put the hanging sleeve on yet, as I'm still not sure which way I like it best; originally I thought I would hang it vertically. This was a lot of fun, but I definitely have trouble with the "fast" part of the challenges.
Brenda Jennings


  1. Wow Brenda, I think it's fabulous!


  2. Hi Brenda,
    Wow, this is an explosion of shapes!

    The final addition of the angular back pieces is very effective...nice constrast in shape. The angular and straight quilting lines in metallic thread also adds constrasting interest.

    I like the mainly triad color scheme you used, too. Sometimes, blue-red-yellow is a hard one, but yours is wonderful. I think the goldish yellow did the trick in giving alot of constrast and spark without being overpowering like bright yellow can be sometimes.

    I look forward to seeing more of your work!

  3. I love it! Your use of the primary colors really makes this quilt exciting. And such an uneven edge.


  4. I think you did a fabulous job on it, and suspect that the fast pace of the challenge added to its spontaneity and liveliness. I like the illusion of depth that comes from the variety of sizes and value.

  5. I love the colors in this it has a very powerful feeling to it.


  6. Hi Brenda - this little quilt is so full of energy. I like the way it pulls my eye hither and thither and back again. The combination of circles and triangles and their varied sizes is very attractive to me. I look forward to seeing more.



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