Sunday, December 03, 2006


i made a little quilt with falling snowflakes last year and it popped into my mind when i read the challenge. i wanted the flakes to sway and twist in the wind. (note to self - don't use wired ribbon no matter how sparkling it is. it doesn't sway). i cut the flakes out of a piece of fabric i've had for several years and never knew what to do with. i backed them with white fabric and quilted them with sparkling thread, sewed them on to the ribbon and suppended them all from a dowel. then the fun began. the little suckers would not stay put. they all followed the bend in the ribbon. i finally had to pin the flakes to the backing to get them all to stay still enough for the photo. i wish i could have come up with a more elegant way to suspend them from the dowel. my original idea was to suspend them from an embroidery hoop, the thought being that the circle would add movement. (note to self - find embroidery hoop).


  1. Hi Babe,
    Very pretty with all the shimmer of the ribbons and lovely snowflake prints. I bet it would look great handing in front of a window.

    Makes me want to say, Happy Holidays. It's very festive.

  2. I love the waviness and movement of it. It will make a great holiday decoration. If you were going to hang it from the ceiling the hoop would be nice.

  3. It is a fun piece...I would like to see a picture of it when it is having it's way.


  4. Hi Babe - What a pleasing piece - it has an interesting wind blown look. I think it would look good on the embroidery hoop with light behind it.



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