Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sun Spots

The fabric is my own hand dyed from last summer. I started with a circle added spokes folded, twisted, and turned it to try to make some flowers and didn't like it that way so I laid it back down in a heap it didn't look too bad that way : ). We had an ice storm and lost power Thursday through Friday night I still didn't like it when the lights came on so yesterday morning I painted it with acrylic and gel meduium using a wine cork for the dark spots, I used the side of a wooden honey server to print the yellow marks ,and twisted up floral wire to stamp the green marks.

I quilted the heck out of it.I am still not crazy about it but I like it better now that it is painted. I may add some more spikes at a later date.

Not sure how I'll hang it but I can hang anything with my log walls without worry.

It measures about 3 feet by 3 feet.

Jacque Posted by Picasa


  1. Hi Jacque, The surface designing you did with the paints is very effective. I like the color adds alot of interest. I think you're on to something with adding more "spokes" looks a bit unbalanced with the center being more heavy.

    Very creative...I look forward to seeing your next piece, too


  2. Thats it exactly Cynthia it looks unbalanced. I wanted to add the perfect orangy red spokes but don't have the color on hand. I am thinking of taking the spokes off ...keeping the circle and playing with the spokes.

    Thanks for the insight!

  3. Great job on the fabric painting and I like the way you folded over the spokes. I'd love to see it when you've added more.

  4. Hi Jacque - This piece looks like fun - I like the way you kept adding paint to it until you had something you wanted to work with. For some reason it makes me think of a turtle that's all dressed up and ready for a night on the town or pond or whatever! Fun piece.



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