Sunday, January 14, 2007

No Possibility

Size: 10 1/4" x 7 3/4"

Inspiration: "There was no possibility of taking a walk that day." The first line to Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.

Artist's Statement: I originally posted this without my statement, but I do think one is needed. I chose the line because due to undiagnosed health issues, there are days I can not walk. (The doctors are running all kinds of tests to figure out why though) My quilt represents many things to me...

Spirals- dizzy spells
Cloud like shapes- confusion
The orbs- floaters in my vision
The stick- a cane which I may have to use one day
The blue orb- the light I see before I have seizures
The railing is what I must hold on to to walk a lot of days

So this quilt is abstract, but is symbolic of my health struggles.

Thank you for all the comments on my quilt thus far! It is wonderful to get feedback from other fiber artist so that I may grow as an artist as well.


  1. The first thing I noticed is the railing at the bottom that seems to prevent venturing out into the strange things beyond. What are all those things beyond it, floating in the sky? The long arms look like they are reaching out to grab whoever dares to go beyond the fence. And what kind of creature is that blue spiral with the little pointy ears? Or have I totally mis-interperetted your quilt.

    Looks more like night than day with the black background.

  2. Hi Julie, You've got some cool embellishments with the beads and things as well as the decorative stitching. It feels like clouds dropping things down on the earth. A couple things come to mind to consider:

    If you overlapped, brought closer together or grouped some of the elements, would it add more unity to the piece? By unity, I mean that the design ties the elements together, so they appear to belong together. Sometimes even spacing of the elements isolates them as separate beings instead of part of a whole.

    It's a lovely piece, well constructed and wonderful value contrast and using some very artsy techniques. I look forward to seeing more of your work, Julie!

  3. I really like the way it flows, and keeps you eye moving. I Enjoy the contrast that you have shown, and I find it to be well balanced - It really looks like a fun and whimsicle piece, but after seeing your artists statement, then I can see the relationship to your problems and the symbols you used. Great piece. Thank you for sharing it with us.


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