Wednesday, January 03, 2007

When Augustus came out on the porch the blue pigs were eating a rattlesnake - not a very big one.

The first picture is the first quilt I tried to make totally (or mostly) abstract. Obviously, it didn't work!

The polka dot picture is from the back of the second try, which I'm much happier with. Using real pig shapes and diamonds for the snake, it does what I wanted it to. Contrast is both from color and in the relative sizes of the pigs, the snake, and the cowboy boots. Not much reality, so it must be somewhat abstract.

I've never posted to a blog before, so I'd really like any comments you might have.
Katie Wilson


  1. Katie - what fun! Your piece does a great job of picturing the line from the book. I like the way you did the rattlesnake with the triangles and zig-zag stitch. The grand size of the snake in comparison with the blue pigs gives the piece a whimsical feeling that I particularly enjoy. The addition of the boots is fun too.

    Jolly good.


  2. I really like your depiction of the snake, obviously a diamondback, something I know first hand as I grew up in the desert. I also have a soft spot for pigs, so understandably, I really like your piece. Valerie

  3. Hi Katie,
    It's a perfect amount of abstraction. The snake is wonderful--I like the contrast of the diamond angles and the curvy snake. The color scheme provides high value contrast. The detail in the boots also adds contrast and variety. The back is really neat too--a completely different look with the polka dots and the embroidery feel of the thread. I'm curious how it's finished off--just a binding, or are there borders around it too?

  4. Thanks for all the nice comments. I'm not so nervous now...

    The piece is just a little bigger than 8 1/2" x 11", so I just scanned it and there was not edge finish at the time. Since then, I've finised it with a narrow double-fold binding of the background fabric. Very Inconspicuous, you know.


  5.'s all been said but I just have to butt in and say that I think you did a great job. It's a perfect interpretation. Your snake is tops!


  6. Hi Katie, Well, this is a fun combination of whimsical, traditional and abstract! Adding the third element of the boots balances the 2 charming pigsvery well. And the variety in the fabrics gives the piece alot of texture and interest.
    Good job!


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