Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Blue Moon

14" x 10"

"Blue moon,
You saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love on my own. . ."

My initial thought was to do branches across a full moon. I have tossed that idea in favor of continuing the vases series. I think this will also be more interesting as it’s not the first image that comes to mind with the song. I began with a sketch, and tried to keep the spontaneous look that I achieved with Vases III. The table seemed the wrong color, so I added transparent fabric paint to the table and shadow.


  1. Linda, this is so nice.
    And you are great at vases!
    When I grow up I want to do work like yours. You are an inspiration.

  2. You are getting really good at creating a spontaneous, carefree look! (But not a thrown-together look. I can tell that thought was put into fabric choices and placement, and quilting designs.)

    Great dimension and form. I like the way the moon glows--your quilting helped add to that effect.

    I agree about the branches across the full moon--while that would have been very lovely, yours is much more interesting!

  3. Your vases get better and better each time! This is definitely my favorite so far. You can see the reflection of light from the moon in it. Your fabric choices are splendid! Wonderful job interpreting this challenge...


  4. Hi Linda,
    This is wonderful! Very effective use of the accent color on the vase shading and the window frame. What I like about this piece is it seems to incorporate your old style of precision with your newer style of spontaneous. I see the precision in the vase itself and the spontaneous in the slightly askew perspective and the randomness of the wallpaper. That little bit of darkness with the green at the bottom is a great balancer. And of course, as always, your combination of patterns is brilliant!



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