Monday, February 05, 2007

Dinner at Nine

This piece measures 10 1/4 x 11 1/2.
I used a photo to be guided by.

I am looking forward to any comments.


  1. Your shapes are rather flat looking, although the contour lines on the pear are wonderful and give it some dimension. The cast shadows too help to give dimension to your composition. You could add more dimension by adding shading and highlights to the objects in your quilt.

    I like your background quilting, how you change it as it goes up to match the borders.

    Great quilt.

  2. Hi Carole, Interesting composition, especially the b&w strip and dark blue wedge in the background along with your fancy quilting. Did you try cropping it different ways? It's quite fun to play with it in photoshop to get different views. Having a closer view could make this even more interesting.

    Good job, Carole...I look forward to seeing what you come up with for next challenge!

  3. Carole,
    I like this piece a lot! It has a lively, fun, Matisse kind of quality. Having the objects flatter is fine with me. (This is a valid style of art, I just can't remember the proper name for it at the moment) The shadows are there to suggest that they're solid. I wouldn't change it. Everything in art doesn't have to be photo-realistic--that's what cameras are for!

    Regarding the recent discussion on control vs. spontaneity, you've got a great spontaneous look!

    The only thing I would consider changing is more cropping on the left side (into the watermelon). That would bring the composition in closer and make it less right-side heavy.


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