Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Vases III

14 x 9

I have jumped way out of my comfort zone and created the abstract version of “Vases”. Haven’t decided yet, if I have jumped in the right direction, but it was fun working this way. It could be a style worth exploring. What do you think?


  1. I love the energy on this piece, it simply vibrates! Great quilting too.

  2. Linda, I've liked all your vase quilts. I like the abrupt value changes and the fabric choices in the first one. In the second one, I like the vases less but the cast shadows more. And the third one---I love it! If that's jumping out of your comfort zone, you should do it more often, because this is a very successful piece. All the shading created by the different fabrics just blends perfectly. Bravo, Valerie


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