Thursday, February 01, 2007

Still Life - revised

You people are awesome! I absolutely see what you mean, and I hope this is better, because the pieces are whacked!..LOL I really do like it better this way, but now my problem is keeping the left edge straight. The basket is just too unruly and wants to bulge! I will probably frame this piece, so that shouldn't be a big problem.

So...what do you think...did I get it right this time? I am learning so much from you pros.......


  1. Yes, this cropping does add much more interest!
    BTW...Del Mar in California?

  2. You are very brave. Watch out for Cherie when she's wielding her rotary cutter.

    I like it. Version one seemed like looking across a room at a still life. This one feels more like standing right in front of it.

  3. Thanks Valerie and Linda. I was amazed at the difference such a little change could make.

    Yes Valerie, it is Del Mar Ca. Do you know it?

  4. Cherie - The additional cropping really worked. The missing pieces make the viewer have to "see" them in mind's eye and makes the piece more engaging. Great work!


  5. I love what you did to make the basket, and I agree, the cropping really improved the effecct of the piece. Great job Cherie.

  6. Bravo on continuing with this piece. It is never to late to go back and change something. I like the way you cropped the bowl - And dont worry that it is unruley... Three demensional objects are - remember, we are art quilters, and art is not always 2 dimensional, and rarely does it behave! Great Job!

  7. Cheri! It never fails to amaze me that you are so willing to make changes to your finished pieces and try out suggestions. Your cropping made a huge difference in the balance and interest. I see some subtle shading as if the light source was coming from the upper left...was that your intention? The only comment I have is...what would it look like with stronger shading/shadowing on the veggies, especially the underside of the yellow squash and the right side of the pumpkin. You could try it on a color copy with colored pencils to see if it adds to it (or detracts!)


  8. Cherie,
    You got it right--all I can say is WOW! (talk about instant gratification, all I had to do was scroll up, and there it was!)
    laura k


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