Wednesday, March 07, 2007

It's easy being green

I chose this song title, It's not Easy Being Green because it's the only one that sort of fit with my piece! The subject matter doesn't fit go with "it's not easy", so I changed the title to be It's easy being green. This piece is 10 x 12", wholecloth hand dyed fabric, and based on a scene from a Mayan temple wall and their carved relief jade pieces. It doesn't photograph well, but here it is!


  1. I think this is a great piece. Greens and blues are peaceful & calming colors, so what better image to accompany that! The Quilting on it is just great! Looks like it is drawn on, but when I get a closer look I see it is all stitched. Great Job!

  2. Oh my Cynthia! This looks like it was taken from an ancient Mayan temple for sure! It actually does look like jade. This is terrific!


  3. Amazing job! Did you dye the fabric with the intent of this image or did you think of it later on? I like the mix of warm and cool greens. It really adds to the carved relief effect as the warm greens pop forward and the cool ones become shadows. Great quilting!
    laura k

  4. Thanks,Laura...I had dyed the fabric without this in mind, but I painted a bit more dye in different areas after I quilted it to get the shading. It's really more analogous than's got green, yellow green and blue green. Oh well, you gotta do what the quilt wants!


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