Friday, March 30, 2007

Marble Venetian Tile quilt

This is my first attempt of piecing using dye magnets/color catchers. There are some beautifully colored ones in my collection, and I knew I had to use them for this challenge. They sew beautfully and I really enjoyed making this small top. I used the pattern from Kaffe Fasset's book Glorious Quilts. The quilt size is about 12 1/2" x 21". I haven't quilted it yet, and I could use some suggestions as to how to finish it. Just the piecing was great fun!


  1. Wow Katie! My dye magnets aren't pretty colors like that. Mine are all dark purple, black, brown, olive green etc. I really love your quilt. what a beautiful pattern...good job


  2. Actually, a lot of these were sent to me by my DSIL in Australia. She seems to have a lot of dark colored fabrics that bleed a lot. My gain! Mine also usually come out various shades of gray.


  3. I have never used "dye magnets". What are you using to dye them with? I love the colors.The way you have positioned them in your design really work make your piece have a uniform weight and balance. I am really attracted to it. I am not very good at deciding how to quilt something but what I like about your piece is the strength of the lines the colors make and I wouldn't do anything that would take away from that. Stitching in the ditch might be a way of preserving it. I know that might not "add" anything to it but it won't take away from it either. My 2 cents. --Becky

  4. Dye magnets are pieces of paper-like cloth (I think) that you throw into the washer with a load of dark clothes. The magnet actually collects any stray dye that might be in the wash water, and that dye colors the magnet, so when you take the clothes out, they are not spotted with the dye. I know they work because I forgot to put one in a medium load last week and a white rug turned light green in the wash. Yuk.

  5. Katie, so if I read this right, the quilt is all dye magnets... paper. Very cool. I've played with coffee filters but now I guess I need to save my dye magnets....
    Love the shading you've achieved.

  6. Hi Katie,
    very effective and subtle shading you've achieved...I really like it!

  7. Katie,
    Wow this is really cool; I will have to start throwing these in the wash more often!


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