Thursday, March 01, 2007

Red Roses for a Blue Lady

I finished the lady today. The reason: the entire area is closed due to a wild blizzard which is to continue through tomorrow. I didn't have to teach so had the entire day to work on her. She didn't turn out as I'd hoped but at least I tried a couple of different things that I've not tried before and I learned from them. I tried to give highlights to her face using light and dark fabrics. I have too much contrast in some areas and not enough in others. Then I tried thread painting over this. So areas worked and some didn't. Suggestions???

Thanks! Jan


  1. Wow..... She is beautiful!
    Excellent job!
    I recognize your 'self-critique' in that she does look as tho' she has a mustache. Now having said that, those are the kind of problems I have and I do not know how to correct them once they are done.
    Or is it the photo? I know my Blue Swans in Winter look different in person.... and I can really see my mistakes in picture format.

  2. Overall it works. You did a great job, she's wonderful and mysterious, and the red rose is a great accent.

    I think the higher contrast areas are more successful than the lower contrast areas (i.e. the jaw area below her cheek. This part also appears on my screen to have a slightly greenish/warmer cast than the rest of her face where the blues are very cool.) I would also like to see more definition between her neck and the background.

    If you really like her, you might consider making her again, maybe a bit larger, and try something different in the parts that you were disappointed with. I'm thinking of doing this with one or more of mine if I can put together two moments in a day.

  3. I think your Blue Lady is incredible Jan. My husband looked at it and said "Wow, Monet!" Fabulous interpretation of both song and color challenge! I really admire you free motion stitching...excellent work


  4. Absolutely beautiful. This is truly a lovely piece and so well executed. You have done such a marvelous job and the accent color is just right. Thanks for sharing your talents with all of us.

  5. She really is stunning! You nailed the theme on the head with this piece. I would say maybe go over the light threadwork around her upper lip with some seta color, or neocolor pastels - darken that thread up a bit - dont want that much highlight in that spot. the quilting in all the other areas are super! the shadowing and highlighting really work by her neck and jaw, as well as her ear... Super job!

  6. Hi Jan, this is a fabulous artistic! I think the contrasts and shading is really good. I don't think the shading is the problem with the "mustache" (which wasn't noticeable until you pointed it out!)...I think it is the quilting line is shaped like a mustache. If you have the time and patience, you could pick the quilting out there and redo with something else. Faces are really hard to do quilting on! Take a look at Marilyn Belford's work

    Great job, Jan



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