Saturday, April 28, 2007

How Did I Get Here From There?

This is my project and the picture I used.


  1. Hi Betty, Good reflects the purpose of the design project itself!

    I see you picked up the curved line of the boat,the round shape of the lifesavers, and some of the squarish shapes. I particularly like the curved lines you interpreted...almost makes me seasick! It's very nicely finished at the edges, the irregular curves.

    You know what? I think it may look better rotated 90 degrees, so the curved shapes are vertical rather than the expected horizontal. Try it!

    I'd like to see you use more variety of fabrics in your pieces to add instead of one orange fabric, use 3.

    Good job, Betty...I look forward to seeing your next piece.

  2. Hi Betty,
    I really like what you did with the shapes and I love the colors and the wavy edge; my one comment would be that maybe one of the shapes could have stood out a little more than the rest (either a contrasting fabric or texture or overlapping the others) to provide more of a focal point. I also like Cynthia's suggestion of turning it sideways. Great job.



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