Sunday, April 01, 2007


a piece that I decided to do [ it is only a start] after watching the neighbours children drawing in chalk on the driveway. So unconcerned, just drawing. I thought, why not?? I had been cutting starfruit and somehow the two emerged. I used some copper organza under the cotton, on a fairly stiff paper, then did a bit of foiling. I have some 'rain-drenched' [ it rained afte rthe street chalk drawing event] that I thought I would add to the bottom. Let me know what you think, if you are so inclined. I will post the drenched blocks as well.



  1. Hi Carole,
    Sounds like fun, drawing on the sidewalk. Good for you for taking that inspiration and running with it. The starfruit is an interesting motif, I'm sure there is alot you could do with it. The rain drenched version is really cool, adding some smaller blocks to the bottom will add interest. Otherwise it's a bit too boxy. A row of sashed mini starfruit at the bottom would solve that and also make it more of a composition.

    Good job, I look forward to seeing more of your work

  2. I like youre start on this, although I'm not quite sure what I am seeing here? You have used paper in this? Is the paper the background? I would have guessed it was all fabric from the photo if you hadn't used paper. Is the paper behaving the way you had hoped or is it giving you trouble? I would like to hear more about your process.

    Right now it looks like a traditional appliqued medallion quilt.

    I think the modified blocks at the bottom will look nice.

    Please post your progress if you continue to work on this.

  3. Linda... the paper is quite stiff. I have used a softer paper in the past and it 'machines' nicer. My satin stitch looks good here because the paper is stiff enough to hold it, a bit thinner and the needles holes would have taken the 'medallion' rigt out. I am going to keep going on this, so will post as you suggest. But, unfortunately, I am attending to a serious parent health issue, so will be unable to do much for a bit.


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