Sunday, April 01, 2007


This is a remake of the first piece I posted. I took the borders off and started over.
When I went out and took another look at what he children had done, and a look at the rain on it...I just decided to 'go with it' and not try to be so formal. Tire tracks had gone through it, there were gravel bits and the usual debris, but the pride in what had been done could be heard with "...Mom... look what I made for you!"....
Pride in the effort, pure, unabashed innocence, no hesitation as to whether or not it was 'good art'.
I wondered then, when does it go?
Reminded me of some pictures my daughter made for me when I was sick some 34 years ago... [ she is 45 now]... I went to my keepsake box, took them out, wistfully shed a tear for those years gone, for the sweet innocence and depth of feeling, she really thought it would make me well.
Maybe it did.
Having said all that, it will give you a glimpse into this composition...... childlike composition.
I added more foil [tire tracks], beads [raindrops] , extra stitching [because the paper needed it] and for extra color. I used beads on the string for hanging. Oh, and the small pieces I made into a 'panorama', then printed on fabric.
I will look forward to your comments.


  1. Carole, what a great job you did on your new version! It's lovely. Taking the borders off really made the motif pop and adding the strip of smaller, modified motifs at the bottom unifies and adds more variety to the piece. It sounds like a wonderful experience for you...thanks for sharing it in detail. I hope this is a jumping off point for more wonderful work!

  2. Thank you Cynthia, it was an amazing exercise.... the freedom I allowed myself.
    Seems we had a discussion on this: Control vs Freedom??


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