Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Challenge #8

I really enjoyed this challenge as I caused me to step outside my comfort zone. The picture I used for its design elements was an advertisement for travel to Disneyworld. It was the candlestick and clock from Beauty and the Beast. The color is a bit off in this scan, so imagine the long hook on the left and the short curve on the right as being bright yellow. My binding is a very intense green. (I am limited in my ability to edit photos - darn this new Vista operating system; my peripherals won't work properly with it!)
I am stumped for a name - any suggestions?
Ann In Walnut, CA


  1. Hi Ann, Wow! You got this from a candlestick and clock? I love the greens and yellow and the movement in the piece. Looks like a migration (with some left behind)to me. Did you consider a little splash of complementary color for red or violet?

    The background fabric is wonderful...I want some of that, where can I buy it?


  2. Thank you Cynthia. My accent colors are maroon and mauve, with a tiny bit of lavender on the lower left. My challenge to myself is to stay within a triadic color scheme as much as possible. I don't think I strictly stuck to it, but it was pretty close!
    (The background fabric is something from the LQS)

  3. Hi Ann,
    Very interesting piece; it reminds me of something from biology class! I really like the color scheme and would like to see it as you described with the bright yellow; Great job.



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