Wednesday, May 30, 2007

"A Study in Stripes"

I chose a 1" wide black and white stripe to work with for my original fabric. I wanted to explore the variations of pattern rather than color for this one. Some of the patterns I started with a plan, others I just started sewing stuff together. 100% cotton fabric, machine pieced and quilted in the ditch. The binding is scraps and off-cuts, some on the bias, some not. Various sizes and styles of buttons.
Finished size 17x19, red bandana print fabric backing.


  1. Wowie Delta, I really love black and white with red accents, and what you have done with playing with shapes is awesome! I can see how this could very easily become a series. What fun...well done


  2. You have found quite an assortment of patterns from a simple stripe. I like the radiating pattern in the bottom right corner. It looks very dimensional.

  3. Fun, fun, fun.... I actually looked at the black and white canvas I have left over from the shower curtain that I made.... I may just get it out now!

  4. Gee Rhonda, how many different patterns can you make from a simple stripe! Very cool op-art piece.


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