Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Wild-haired Party Girls at Sunset

I started with this piece of tie dyed fabric. I saw shadowy figures in the pattern, so I played that up by painting dresses on the figures and a sunset sky with thickened dye. Then I quilted around the figures and the sun.


  1. What a fun, sassy picture. I would love to see a little more stitching/embelishing on the party girls, especially on/around their heads. They sort of fade into the background and at first glance appear to be 'headless' to me.
    This definitely inspires me to try stitching some of my 'ghost images'. Good job


  2. And I'd like to see a little more color or definition or something to the sun. I hate to admit I wasn't sure where it was until I enlarged the picture. Overall, your colors are a perfect foil for the original fabric though, and I'm positive this is one of those that looks good in a photo but knocks your socks off in person. What is your finished size on it? And I lovelovelove the details like the necklaces. Surely I'm not the only one who covets your skill with free-motion either.

  3. I love this one... sassy enough and still leaves a lot to the imagination.
    I want to know more about the girls ... why are they dancing?


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