Sunday, June 03, 2007


Name - Dawn - finished size 15 1/2 by 18

I painted a plain white fabric with acrylics.

So I put another scrap fabric over it and found a really light section of the fabric piece. Not on purpose but interesting how that worked.

I didn't like the proportions so I cut curves and re pieced the fabric - then I added some embroidery thread to highlight details and give it a little more pop.

So I don't find the acrylic paints yielded the bright colors - I'd love to have other ideas for painting fabrics. I guess on this I made the piece work but it wasn't what I had planned.

Lisa - in Sunny Seattle

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa,
    I really like the soft feel to the's like a winter dusk with a rosy sky. And the quilting lines are effective for emphasizing the curves. This would be a fantastic background for something like a silouette of a tree or rock garden if it was flipped so the blue is the sky. You got some very interesting effects...good job!


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