Sunday, June 24, 2007

Day at the Beach...Challenge 10

I started working on this around 11 this morning and just finished it now, a few minutes shy of 2AM. It just grabbed hold of me and wouldn't let go. I knew what I was going to make as soon as I read the challenge Friday, just needed to gather the materials.
I used..Angelina, batting, and tulle for the surf, a tiny straw basket and straw hat, little bitty sea shells, a hair net, teeny pebbles from the beach, and wooden beads for the "floats". I am pretty sure that tomorrow I am going to sew some clothesline around the edges as the binding instead of the green that's there.


  1. Hi Cathy...
    Your quilt is so fun. I just keep looking at it and finding more going on. I love your Orca jumping and the balloons, where are the people?
    This was a fun one wasn't it?

  2. It sure was fun. I think it's great that we both used some of the same I was trying dryer sheets fro the surf foam but wasn't happy with the look. I am on the watch for people...I may just title this one "Where is Everybody?" lol

  3. Hi Cathy--
    I can tell you had so much fun making this. Isn't it wonderful when something sparks and you know exactly what you want to do.

  4. Hi Cathy, Looks like a lovely day at the beach, even with the overcast skies!

    Did you consider using more value constrast by adding lighter lights and darker darks? Most of the colors are in the medium range and tend to blend together without a clear focal point.

    Lots of texture and interesting details...good job! Love the footprint in the sand on the lower right.


  5. Hi Cathy - I'm enjoying looking at your piece and making up stories about it. My very first thought was that a couple of sunbathers had a chance for a balloon ride and just hopped in and left everything behind. Thanks for sharing this fun work.



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