Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Burlap and Velor

So, I am a few months late!

I am working to get caught up on past challenges but did meet the time limit. I created this quilt in one night, but it took 2 days to add the binding.

13" wide x 16" tall

Fabrics: burlap and velor for the challenge of working with something you haven't used before, and 100% cotton quilters cottons.

While I must say this isn't the greatest quilt I have ever made, I do like the color, I am pleased with my machine quilting, and I had fun making it! That is the point right? Fun.

There are some things I would change, like my binding is not the greatest (binding is my greatest weakness), and I cut off part of a circle when I added the binding (on the bottom right- I know you are going to look now).

It was a good exercise and it felt good to lock myself in my sewing room for a while and just create!

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