Friday, October 26, 2007

Challenge 14 ~ Movement

Challenge # 14 - Friday, 26 October 2007

Guest Hostess - Tobi Hoffman

Theme: Movement with embellishment

Movement in Stasis: Lights, Camera, Action!

While our artwork itself does not move, the eye does; this challenge is to create a piece that shouts out visually the sense of motion. This is not about actual moving parts, but a feeling that there is real motion in the piece.

It could be abstract, a design that pulls the eye from one part to another or leads it in a path around the piece, or it could be elements apparently caught in mid-motion.

Use any form of embellishment to help create and drive the sense of motion in the piece. This can be something you frequently use, or something entirely new to you, but it should be an important element in your piece.

Design Element - Movement.

Movement is an effect rather than an element but is also related to the elements/principles of line, rhythm, and repetition.

Discussion - The following is included for informational purposes only:

As I began work on this year's journal quilt, I wanted to create a sense of motion into the piece. I think I managed this, with a combination of general design, fabric selection and embellishment; more than this I will not say -- and since it is not supposed to be posted on-line until the Houston show, you can't see it until Nov. 1st!

Due - Saturday, Noon EST, 3 November 2007

One final requirement - HAVE FUN WITH THIS

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