Wednesday, October 03, 2007

City Scape - Debbie Krueger

City Scape
18" X 13"
Reverse Applique
Fused Applique

All right, folks! I need some input here. I was totally going to skip this challenge and make up some foolish excuse, but then I realize that that defeats my reason for joining the challenge in the first place.

So, this is far from finished, and we'll see how far I get by Saturday, but I'm wondering if others see what I'm going for....I'm a total city girl, so my "home" will always be in a city. I think I've got the general idea of a near building and far buildings, but am curious if others see it. And yes, the buildings are supposed to be off kilter--kind of like the quilter. :)

Thanks for any ideas you may have--though I might not be able to use them here, I'll certainly keep them in mind for future projects.

Debbie Krueger, Waukesha, WI


  1. Yes, this looks like buildings to me. I think it works well for an abstract composition. I like the off-center symmetry (would that be the right way to describe this). Your buildings look like they are floating in a sunset sky.

    I have to get started on my own challenge. I have a couple of ideas, but they are both more complicated than I think I can do quickly. Maybe I can make one of them more abstract. Buildings aren't really my thing. I guess that's why they call it a challenge isn't it?

  2. I realize that there are other buildings behind your main building...but if you hadn't told me I might not have gotten that concept. Perhaps a little lighter fabrics added to suggest windows or other building details. Also think that if there was a way to anchor the buildings to the ground might help. I have found that abstract is always in the eye of the beholder...when I do an abstract I find that no one sees what I see....they always see something totally different. That's what makes art so great.

  3. I agree that it needs a few building elements to help with the idea of more buildings in the back, but a very nice abstract piece and I love the background fabric

  4. Hi Debbie - Love the floating buildings. I like the idea of adding a few wonky windows on the more distant walls. I'm glad you overcame your idea of skipping this challenge. You are trying something new and that's always a little uncomfortable. But just for a minute or two - and then it is fun!

    Roberta Ranney

  5. Maybe some abstract type window shapes and a way to anchor the buildings. They feel like they're floating away, but then again, that could be what you're going for. Off kilter is great for the buildings.

  6. I get a strong feeling that your buildings are sitting on water. I can't wait to see how you quilt it.

  7. Hi Debbie, I like the building shapes and the perspective you achieved in this piece. I'd also like to see the far buildings a bit more integrated with the front building by repeating a few detail shapes and/or colors. Love that background fabric, too. Have you considered emphasizing what looks like the buildings reflections in the fabric with quilting?
    Great job...I look forward to seeing more of your work!

  8. I really like the way this is turning out. The background fabric is great, and it does appear like the building shapes are on the water. My one comment would be that the shapes on the sides of the building in the foreground seem out of perspective or something. Very interesting piece.


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