Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I'm not sure where I'm going with this piece -- it's far from finished, but the next challenge is soon upon us!

I love the idea of looking through something to see something perhaps unexpected, but not sure I've achieved even the idea of that. The current plan, subject to change at any moment, is to threadpaint cobweb patterns around the leaves, possibly mount the whole thing on a darker background, paint some shadows and veins on the leaves themselves, and maybe cut the whole piece to the shape of a cobweb to mount between pieces of found branches.

The barn is made of deck-stain paint chips, conveniently textured like wood; the cobweb is variegated metallic thread with silver beads glued at the "points;" the leaves are cotton fused with MistyFuse; the background is a combed cotton blend of some sort that I found in a remnant pile.

Please comment with gusto -- honest critique is the main reason I joined the group. Thanks!


  1. Hi Jess,
    I think your piece has potential! The view has alot of interest and mystery. The main thing I see is that the background seems to overwhelm the view you created. Are you going to crop it to the cobweb lines? If not...you could consider my comments on cropping below. I think your planned embellishments all sound like good ideas.

    Several thoughts came to mind (if you weren't planning to crop it to the cobweb shape)...what if you straighten it (instead of having it on point), and cropped the background close to the view (even cutting off small portion of the leaves so it doesn't look so circular).

    Also, there are mainly medium value and muddy toned fabrics used....what would it look like with a few slivers of light and/or pure hued fabrics mixed in the leaves for contrast?

    Have fun finishing your piece...be sure to post another photo when it's finished. I'm so glad you joined the group and I look forward to seeing more of your work!

    PS I'll email you personally the photoshop image I played with so you can see what I'm talking about on the cropping.

  2. Thanks, Cynthia!

    At this point, I'm definitely thinking about cropping it to the cobweb shape -- not sure if I'll mount it on something further from there.

    I'm also thinking of adding some lighter accents with paint, rather than more fabric on top of what's already there. I like the interwoven look, and can't peel up what I already fused. ;-)

  3. Hi...agree with cropping but I feel that the spider web itself should be more demensional ... perhaps couched thread or yarn in the shape of the web...with either some glitter or paint to represent dew dropplets...also one of the "artist points" suggest adding something
    unexpected...maybe a fly or a caught bug in an area of web...just a thought. Webs have always interested me. I have to admit the inside area of the web confuses me...it may be the slant.


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