Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My Alabama Home

This is something I've been thinking of doing for a long time. Thank you, Roberta, for the push.

This is my house - the one I've waited all my life to have.

For anyone who is geographically challenged (like I am) I used a map of Alabama as a pattern for the background.


  1. Hi Betty, What a unique idea - love the piece being shaped like the state. The piece as a whole works together well but there are little details that particularly appeal to me. One is the sidewalk bordered by flowers, another is the mailbox and the other is the plant next to the mailbox. What fiber have you used to make the white spikes? It looks like some of my husband's fly-tying stuff I'm always wanting to get into. It makes a great plant!


  2. What pretty piece and I like the 'state' shape.
    The bricks are so-o real!!
    Funny how in our mind our 'dream house' has things that we don't see everyday in our own places. I wonder why not? [rhetorical]

  3. Hi Betty...I was wondering where you are usually one of the first to post! I like your brick house...the bricks have so much character, how did you do that? The depth element is covered well with the foreground mailbox and the background trees as well as some of the house features...good job!

    BTW, how's your stash? I'm wondering if your quilts would benefit from using more fabrics to add variety and richness...for example piece the sky from several fabrics or use 5-6 different fabrics for the trees instead of 2. Just a thought.

    It's a clever well-done piece...congrats!

  4. Thank y'all for your nice comments.

    Roberta and Cynthia --
    To answer your questions. The white plant (which is very abundant around here but I don't know it's name) looks like feather dusters to me was made by brushing out some white yarn with a toothbrush.
    It was brick material that I used for the house and mailbox.
    I do have a good sized stash of fabric. I chose that sky because it looked just the way the real sky looked the morning I was pulling fabric.


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