Saturday, October 06, 2007

Passageways by Linda Cline

12 x 12
fused cotton, paint

I had a couple of ideas for the challenge last week that I sketched out. They seemed like they would take more time than I had to do them in, so I sat on the floor against the front door yesterday and sketched the hallway. I made it simpler by just sketching the walls; eliminated the doors and all the stuff.

Scanned the sketch into the computer and then drew on top using straight lines. Added a vanishing point to check and fix the perspective.

I took some artistic license before I made the quilt and moved a wall slightly and rounded the tops of the doors. Took even more liberties with the colors. I thought I would make the whole quilt in warm neutrals. But lots of color snuck in before I was done. I used a piece of fabric that I had used as a paint rag for a lot of it, and I added more paint after the quilt was fused together. I didn’t think architecture was my thing, and didn’t think I was going to like it after I had made my sketch, but decided to go with it anyway. I kind of like how it turned out.


  1. I really love what you have done here. You were able to get the essentials of the scene with excellent perspective. The light, the shadows and your use of deep mysterious colors create a sense of atmosphere, while the light from the left lightens the mood. This is a very successful piece!

    Susan B.

  2. Hi Linda - You are a master (mistress?) of combining different fabrics so they just sing together. And you've done it again. The picture seems rather like an entrance to a castle - as if there are stone walls. The quilting on the floor is a nice addition. And your use of dark and light to create depth and perspective really works. Can't think of a thing I would change. Wow.


  3. Linda... it is great!! I always learn so much from you, your dialogue I appreciated and next to the picture like that, I personally find it as a 'mini class'. Thank you for consistently being a part of this process. You add so much with your skills and insight.

  4. Loved your choices of fabric also liked the quilting on the floor. Many of the walls looked like plastered designs and they were accomplished with fabric realistic...was really impressed.

  5. Your choice of fabrics and quilting really added dimension to the piece. I also like the additions of bits of color - they make the piece sparkle.

  6. Linda, I like the way you manipulated the colours so that the light in the room on the right seems to spill out into the hallway.

  7. As always, I love your work! I dream of a day ( way in my future?) when I can be creative in my quilting like this!

  8. Hi Linda,
    Really love the fabrics and look of this piece. Great job on the shadowing. My only comment would be that the perspective draws you so strongly to that back wall; I almost want something to be on that wall (of course I don't know what that would be, a painting or a niche or something?) Really a nice piece. I particularly like the use of the textural fabrics.

  9. Hi Linda, I love this is so you with the wonderful shadows and patterned fabrics and quilting lines that enhance the picture. The touches of color make the piece sing...I'm glad you added that. The doorway focal point with the least color and most value contrast is VERY effective. Congrats!

  10. I love your piece. It makes me think of an Escher print. You have your perspective right on. I don't know if it is the fabric or decorative stitching, but it looks great!

  11. Linda, I love this quilt! I love the colors and the shapes and the shadows. I think I could live in this house!


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