Saturday, November 03, 2007

Beauty Vs. Imperfection

This quilt was meant to be a journery of healing for me. Almost eight years ago I had a mastectomy. Because of the many surgeries I went through that year I chose to not undergo reconstruction, so I have scars on my chest. I am reminded daily of that ordeal - the scars aren't pretty. But I do not wallow in self-pity. The scars remind me that I am a survivor! The quilt is embellished with a descontructed cooper pot scrubber and gold acrylic paint. The triangles are a loosely hand woven fabric that is somewhat frayed around the edges, demonstrating my journey, and that all is not as it seems. I plan on doing a bit of beading in amongst the copper after I have this quilted. It is not finished in that it needs to be backed and bound.

Ann in Walnut, CA


  1. Oh, Ann, thank you for this very meaningful participation in this challenge. Life has been a challenge for you, and you have said it so well, and depicted it so well. My sister chose the route you did, so I kinda know what emotion is behind this. I think you portrayed it beautifully!.
    Here is a hug...

  2. Hi Ann, Wonderful piece! Thanks for sharing the meaning behind is very powerful yet full of hope.
    Clever use of the copper pot scrubber and I love the piecing and fabrics you used.
    Great job!

  3. Hi Ann,
    thank you for doing this quilt.
    Fabulous work, well done.


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