Thursday, November 01, 2007

Fire Storm

I finally finished a challenge! It's been awhile. I chose to do a wild fire not only because of the most recent California blazes, but because my niece and her significant other both work for the National Fire Service and fight these terrible fire storms. I plan to give this to them for Christmas.

It didn't turn out quite as I'd hoped but I think gets the message across. I used all scrap pieces and fused them to the fabric using a circular pieces to get the swirling motion of the fire engulfing everything in its path and leaving only tinder behind. I then attempted to add 'smoke' by fusing separated yarn to the sky with fusible, too. Therein lies the problem. The fusible backing shows through in some spots more than others and also fuses the yarn down too flat to get much of a wispy effect. Any suggestions?


  1. You did such a great job on the fire. I can really see the flames swirling.
    After the yarn is pulled apart to look wispy could you couch it down leaving some of the ends free?

  2. Hi Jan - Your piece depicts the fury of a fire so well and you've really captured the appearance of smoke. I think your niece will treasure this work - it shows the beauty as well as the danger of the fire.


  3. Hi Jan,
    I think this is perfect as is. Wonderful job.

  4. I can feel the did a great job...

  5. That vortex really draws one into the fire, feeling the heat, hearing the crackling and well, almost being mesmerized.
    Well done, a treasure to be sure.

  6. This piece has so much feeling in it. From a distance you can see the fury of the fire. Very good.

  7. This is quite well done. I like the circular motion. I think you are too hard on yourself but then I'm not looking too closely. I like the trees.

  8. Hi Jan, excellent use of color on this piece and the sharpness of the flames and trees is a wonderful contrast to the circular feel of the background. I don't see the fusible web in the photo, but if it bothers you...maybe a second layer using Misty Fuse (which doesn't show on sheers)would cover it? Or try Betty's idea.
    Great job on the challenge and congrats on a successful piece of art.

  9. Jan,
    this reminds me of Stary Night by Vincent Van Gogh..though the feeling in yours is totally different.
    Fantastic representation of fire.
    Great work.


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