Sunday, November 25, 2007

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme

I like to work from my imagination, so instead of starting with the 2 photos which were offered, I tried to imagine a scene where, because of the chosen viewpoint, the scale of the subjects was perverted in some way. The grasping hand that reaches forward is huge in relation to the body behind it. Once I got thinking about seeing things from weird angles, lots of ideas came up. This piece was great fun to create and it went together quickly. It is about 5 x 6 inches and the practical side of my personality is making it into a book to hold my grocery store coupons. The title "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme" seemed entirely appropriate in that context. :)


  1. I love it....this is the kind of art that I love....something with a sense of humor...and a little whacky (meant nice)....

  2. I love it! You have done a great job of distorting the view and altering its proportions. I can see where many ideas could spring from looking at objects at weird angles.

  3. oh I love this! Great job!

  4. Fabulous! Gets the message across very clearly!
    Kathy Angel Lee

  5. I love this piece! It expresses the challenge really well and is really fun. It is very dynamic. I think it seemed especially appropriate to show up during this weekend of shopping mania. (I stayed home, but saw the mobs of shoppers on TV)

  6. Hi Cheryl - Oh yes - you have really captured the ugly "ME, ME, ME" of greed. You really took the challenge and ran with it! I particularly like the face - it combines so well with the hand to tell the story.


  7. Fun Fun Fun! Made me laugh.... love the unexpected fabrics in the face! I've struggled with hands so its great to see a relatively simple way to protray a difficult body part! Excellent job!

  8. Fantastic, it is a wonderful piece of art. Reminds me a lot of myself on certain days!

  9. Cheryl, great job!! What a picture of the 'me' society!! That hand, I am happy to see that, because, honestly, I do not know how to do that and I think it does the whole scale and porporion to a "T".
    Well done.

  10. Chery,
    Another wonderful piece that you have produced. I just love it.
    Your use of fabrics is outstanding.

  11. Very humorous piece, that shows scale and makes a statement. You don't have a teenager in the house by any chance do you?

  12. I love this! I never think this way! So whimsical. Guess I still see life in more photographic ways - but you have captured the mood perfectly. And we have all taken pictures where the hands and feet are larger than life. Good job.


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