Monday, November 26, 2007

Kathy Lichtendahl - Scale

Here is my entry to Challenge 15. I just couldn't resist the play on words. The finished piece is about 10" x 14" and includes beading, hand embroidery, metallic threads, fabric painting and more.


  1. Great the scale connection...your scales on the fish are great. Wish I had thought out of the box like some of you guys time I will.

  2. I like the play on words. It's funny, that while I was discussing this challenge with my husband, he told me about how when he was a kid, he would set up trick photography shots to make tiny fish he caught look big. I definitely think you nailed the challenge!

  3. Hi Kathy - Love the way you met the challenge in two different ways! The big fish and the tiny lighthouse really work for proportion and you've definitely got scales all over the place. If you get Quilting Arts magazine be sure to note the article on Pam Rubert and her piece about Art Takes Form. She obviously shares your delightful sense of humor.


  4. It really works, Wow.... my dad used to catch fish like that!! Well...

  5. Kathy, good for you using the play on words to come up with a terrific piece which not only shows the fish 'scales' but all scale and proportion. The light house is very fitting for your piece, great work.

  6. Kathy,
    Great piece. I too like the lighthouse. How did you do the halo of light around the lighthouse.
    Very effective.


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