Saturday, November 03, 2007

Moonlit Swamp

Successive layers of tree appliques in cotton and overlaid with sparkle tulle. The movement is the slow play of moonlight across the water. Embellishments are the twisted bugle beads in a dark, tarnished green/black color and the furry yarn in the tree top on the right. Free-motion quilted, faced, 33x28.


  1. I see the water swirling around the trees. It makes me wonder what is in there. Very nice.

  2. I love the overall misty look and the movement of the water.
    A thought... is the foreground tree too big? or dark? Maybe more branches would soften it?
    I love the technique you describe and since I intend to do something with fog, I want to thank you for sharing. Well done!

  3. I have always wanted to do a quilt in shades of gray...I really liked your piece. If I was to make any suggestions it would be to keep your shadows going in the same direction...the stump shadow seemed off a kept pulling my eye to it. Also the big tree that had the short branches...I think it might need a larger branch to anchor the tree a little more. Loved the quilting.

  4. I think this is quite striking. Granted I've never been in a swamp but I feel like I'm right there. The embellishment is just enough.

  5. Thanks for the comments. This was made from a picture of an actual swamp, so I didn't change any of the shapes or sizes of the trees. The stump doesn't actually come out of the water straight up like the trees do, so maybe that has something to do with the angle of the reflection on the water. Other than that (unless it's the shadow of an alligator under the water or another stump) I have no idea why it's off wampus from the others. As far as aesthetics go though, I agree with the comments, but was so hard-headed about memorializing the photo that I kind of ignored things I would have changed on my own.

  6. Hi Rhonda,
    This is spooky..I would not want to be there in the dark! I feel the movement of the slow river...I think you got it!
    Good job


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