Friday, November 30, 2007

Old Fence Posts

This old corner fence post across the road from my farm house has always fascinated me. I've taken countless photos of it and decided to use one in a quilt for Challenge 15. The fence post is formost with the old barbed wire wrapped around. They catch the drifts of the winter snows which pile in front of them. In the distance there is another fence row moving horizontally just below the horizon line and a grove of trees beyond that. The stormy sky looms overhead. I machine stitched the barbed wire roll and the weeds growing around the posts and below them and closer yet to the viewer. I also used prismacolor pencils to shade the drifts of snow.

Jan Johnson


  1. Jan, I think you've really captured scale with this quilt. It is lovely and reminds me of where I live, great job.

  2. Wonderful colors, great job on the threadwork, perfect fabric for the sky. My only suggestion might be to move the fence off center.

  3. Jan, I can feel the cold, snowy day. Those bits of weeds poking through the snow are very realistic and I think the perspective/scale is well done.
    Kathy Angel Lee

  4. This makes me so homesick..... for my youth and my grandpa's farm.....
    To me, scale and porporion or not, this one tugs at my heart.Your sky is so real, it truly looks a December day, barbed wire and dry grasses catching the snow as it drifts.
    Need I say, I love it??!!

  5. Hi Jan - You've made a lovely piece. It really evokes a quiet country feeling. The tree line off in the distance gives great depth to the work. Super.


  6. Jan, your thread work is excellent as is your quilt. A lovely feel to this


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