Monday, December 31, 2007

Fractured Fire

My challenge piece is 13" x 26". The red/yellow fabric is painted with watercolor dyes. I stitched with #8 perle cotton to add some more color and then dotted on some irridescent paint. I also found a gold Sharpie pen and added some marks here and there. This is my 4th in a series of quilts using this fractured technique. I will appreciate any comments.


  1. What are "watercolor dyes?" You have done a beautiful job. I think it looks like fire even without the embroidery.

    The off center symmetry adds interest.

    It might have added interest to add the embroidery in only some of the rectangles to create a secondary pattern behind the black grid.

  2. Yea, tell us more about watercolor dyes. The piece glows as if there is a light source coming from the back....I really like the piece...don't forget to sahe about those dyes.

  3. Hi Linda and Ann - thanks for your comments. Regarding the Koh-I-Noor watercolor dyes - Lily Kerns introduced me to them at a recent meeting of our guild art group. I loved using them - they come in a little container just like watercolors but they seem to be more vivid and lasting on fabric. I ordered them from Art Van Go in England. They are about $9.00 US plus postage. If you want to order any feel free to contact me and I'll give you the info. Warning - don't just buy one set - they are addictive!


  4. Roberta,
    I too love this "fire" piece. The columns of flames look very appealing and the colors represent heat very well. Will have to investigate the watercolor dyes, they look great!

  5. I like this fractured idea. It looks far more interesting than it would have done as a whole cloth.

    I really like the "sparks". It brings the whole thing to life.

    Sandy in the UK

  6. Hi Roberta,
    Love this piece! Where can we see the others in your fractured series? I like this new direction you've taken in your quilts...the geometry, movement and richness of texture. Really good work.

  7. Those sparks!!
    It is already ho and you just know any moment it is going to burst into flame.
    I really like the technique you have used in the 'laddering with the black. In this piece, it does look like th char.y aftermath of a fire.
    I, too, would like to see more of your work using this technique.
    It is lovely.

  8. Thanks to each of you for your comments. I posted my other fractured quilts on my blog at:

    I'm enjoying making these so much that I had to make myself stop and do something different(something I'm obligated to do!).

    Thanks again for sharing your opinions.


  9. Hi Roberta,
    This is great (of course you'll see from mine that I am really partial to orange shapes on a black background!). I did get a chance to view your other pieces on your blog; love the canyon one. Thanks for sharing the link to those.


  10. Roberta,
    This is a great piece. Love what you have done with the water color dyes; fabulous colours.
    Thanks for posting your blog link, you have done some amazing things.
    Anna K.


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