Saturday, January 05, 2008

Challenge 16 - Fire Star by Cynthia Ann Morgan

I thought of fire and this fiery sun popped into my head. Piece is 18 x18" and constructed with my hand dyed fabrics using fused, zig zag stitched applique, trapunto and heavy quilting in the background. I loved this was fun and stimulating!

Comments and greetings welcome!



  1. Cynthia, this is a stunning piece of work! I love it and what it certainly represents a firey star.

  2. I love it. I don't want to get to near for fear it will burn my fingers.

  3. Cynthia,
    WOW! This is a fabulous piece. Great applique and the quilting certainly adds to the emotion in this. I like this quilt immensely
    I always look forward to what you produce for the challenges. Your work is beautifully executed.
    Anna K.

  4. Cynthia,
    What a wonderful sun! It looks very fiery. Your choice of fabric and all the tongues of flames make this composition flow with excitement. You really are an inspiration.

  5. I can feel the heat from here, Cynthia!! Beautiful....
    I had a good close up look of the photo, those hand-dyeds are pretty stunning. I had to look carefully because some look like velvet or felt. And your quilting is, in this case, secondary... totally enhancing the dance of the flames.
    I love it!! [Seems I always do!]

  6. Hi Cynthia,
    Fantastic as always. How DO you do it? Love the fabric colors. Are you dyeing your own fabric?

    You really give us all the greatest critiques, encouragement, and examples of excellent work to strive for. Thank you.


  7. Cynthia,
    Your quilting is fabulous and adds a great deal of motion to your quilt. Good job!

  8. Well, this is just gorgeous! I love the flames and I really admire your quilting in the background. There's so much to look at here. It's just great!

  9. I think this is absolutely awesome. the flames are wonderful and the quilting really enhances it.

    I wonder if you considered putting some of the roots of the flames on the surface of the sun instead of all coming from underneath the circle's edge. perhaps it would help to integrate the circle a bit more?

    I think though, that the part which anchors into the surface, might have to be narrowed. or perhaps be flaring out from under some of the sunspots?

    What do you think?
    Sandy in the UK

  10. You have created a wonderful hot looking sun. I like how the tounges are separated so we can see each one. It makes for a very bold composition.

    It also looks like growing plants to me. Like dry parched leaves. Or like a dormant plant just waiting to burst into bloom.

  11. Has anyone mentioned to you that there appears to be a reclining woman on the inside of the sun? Its a really interesting image that immediately drew me in even if unplanned. Lovely piece!

  12. Hi Cynthia - If I look at this picture with the sun at the top it looks like roots seeking water. If I look at it with the sun at the bottom it looks like a fantasy plant with wonderful stems and leaves. And if I look at it like I'm supposed to it just looks sensational. It is such a strong piece - the complexity of the rays adds a lot and the quilting gives even more movement to an already vibrating work.



  13. What a strong piece. I immediately thought of Hawaiian quilting - it has that look about it. The quilting is beautiful and the sun/star is stunning.
    Kathy Angel Lee

  14. The flames are tree like - interesting to read the suggestion of roots.

    More about your dying - the color are rich and I wonder how you get them.

  15. I really love this piece... Cynthia, your sense of design and curve and color and just everything is top rate. The asymmetry is stunning, the ice pink in the background is perfect.

    I agree, tell us more about your dying!

  16. Cynthia, I love this piece. The curls and curves on the flames are wonderful, it just keeps my eye moving all over. I wonder what would have happened if you had let the flames/branches on the left side extend past the edges, and not constrained them all into the square of the quilt.

    I also like that you only used part of the sun instead of the standard round sun in the middle with flames all around it. I think your version is so much more interesting.

    Lisa K

  17. Thanks for your comments, everyone! Sandy and Lisa, I think you are probably would have been more interesting to let some of the rays start from different parts of the sun instead of all from behind and let some of them flow off the edge.

    Regarding the dyeing: I use 2 different methods for dyeing - one for lots variation in the colors (Ellen Anne Eddy method) and one for more consistent color (Ann Johnston's low water immersion method - from her "Color by Accident" book. The Ellen Anne Eddy method uses wet fabric soaked in soda ash and more concentrated dyes sponged on the flat fabric. It's messy. Ann Johnston's method uses wet fabric crumpled up in a bucket, then dye is poured over that and soda ash fixer over that. Not as messy but not as fun either. The fabric I used for the sun is using the 1st method and the fabric for the rays is using the 2nd method.


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