Sunday, January 27, 2008

Self Portrait

You are probably wondering where in the world this self-portrait came from, after looking at the image!
Honestly, it really did begin with a simplified abstract of facial elements. A photo of how it started is above also. That original panel was cut in quarters and reassembled, and then cut in slices and reassembled. After that, I fused pieces of fabric to it, heavily stitched it and embellished the piece with ribbon and buttons.
I know this self-portrait is truly odd, and has no relationship to the ones that can be seen on the Quilting Arts website. In fact, I participated in that challenge and created something that looks very person-like. But the directions for this challenge were that if we had done that to try something I did and it is pretty bizarre, if I do say so myself!
No need to comment...I'm not pleased with the piece.


  1. Cay,
    it is an interesting piece. I do like the colours and the forms in this piece.
    It's a great abstraction of the challenge. Did you use any of your favourite techniques?

  2. I found this piece wonderful...thank you for sharing how it started out...I believe if you stare at it long enough you can see all kinds of womanly just have to look for them...I kept seeing eyes looking out at me...pulling me into the piece telling me things about myself. I certainly wouldn't put this piece down verbally if I were you....I think its great. I would like to know more about the slicing and dicing.

  3. Hi Cay Denise.
    I am quite taken with this long, lovely..........
    I like its 'stare appeal'... I have looked at this piece several times and everytime I see something more, something different.
    The colors are great, I would really like to see this one in person.

  4. Cay Denise, this is really different and exciting. I am glad you shared the construction as it is always interesting to see a glimpse of the thought process in making a design composition. I like the flow of the vertical lines in the vivid colors, it makes your eye travel to all the other interesting things in the quilt. Nice Job! Joni

  5. Reminds me a of MardiGras! Especially with the mask like shape in the upper third. It does draw the eye! Well done.

  6. Hi Cay Denise, when I first saw this as the first one, I clapped my hands and said yes, good for her! Because I was glad someone started out with an abstract and it's very different from your other work. And because I really like it! Good color, value contrast, and tons of variety yet with some unifying shapes. I have found it to be so funny that others really like some of my pieces that I'm not happy with all!

  7. I too love all the color, bling and movement in this's alot of fun to just sit and study it. I'm afraid that my literal brain has trouble seeing "portrait" though...sigh!

  8. Hi Cay Denise,

    I really like the purple diagonals in the background, and all the different layers. I also have to add that I have been hanging on to a piece of that wavy grid batik now for about five years. It's one of my favorite fabrics.



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