Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Apologies for the poor quality of the photo.
I chose to do fire; it was above 100 degrees today, and this heat reminds me of bushfires.
I used my hand-dyed silks and cottons. Free motion quilting with lots of metallic thread.
If I had more time I would make the tree more substantial...as I am time poor this week, this version will have to do.
Any comments welcome,


  1. I like the size of the tree...makes it even look more amazing that it is still standing after the fire...if a tree could have character, then this small tree still standing has it.

  2. I think the colours in this are so vivid. well done! the searing heat nearly makes you want to put a face mask on!

    did you think about putting a few greyish sheer whisps coming up from the scorched ground? I like it the way it is, but I would probably lay some on it, just to see what it would look like with them.

    Sandy in the UK

  3. Hi Anna - I know you wanted to do more but I can't imagine this being much better than it is. The blackened tree and red sky tell the whole story. Beautiful.


  4. The tree really tells the story. I too like the vibrant colors you have used.

  5. Hi Anna, I actually like that you made the tree more skimpy than substantial...it makes the piece more about the heat than the tree. Vivid colors, wonderful quilting and thread work...great job!

  6. This is an awesome piece.. those colors are so intense!
    I, too, like the charred tree...probably a real close look and there would still be some red hot embers glowing on it in a hidden crevice.
    For some strange reason, it makes me think of Africa... or outback Australia... should it? Or have I seen too much footsage on the newsreels.....

  7. Hi Anna,

    I think this piece is really exquisite; it is simple, yet very powerful. I love the colors and the intensity. The angled foreground adds a great deal of character to the piece, and as others have stated, the tree is hauntingly minimal. I think this piece is perfect the way it is. Excellent work.


  8. Thank you for your comments, i sincerely appreciate them.
    Carole, i live in Australia so you identified the 'place' perfectly.
    When i had finished i realised that most of the colours; red, yellow, black are represented in our Aboriginal flag.

  9. To me this is a very powerful piece. The starkness of the tree imposed upon the red/black background tells the story very well.
    Kathy Angel Lee


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