Thursday, January 31, 2008


This was another one that I thought would be impossible but when I got started it was a lot of fun.
My favorite technique, oh golly, it is probably embellishing and hand embroidery was my first love.
I blanket stitched around her face and the heart and used chain and outline stitches for the lettering. The hair was floss wound around a knitting needle and covered with starch and allowed to dry over night.

The eyes are wiggle eyes and the glasses are doll glasses with the stems taken off.
It is 12" x 13-3/4"


  1. Betty,
    This is a really cute quilt. I like the use of the doll glasses...they add alot of personality to the piece. You sure have alot of letters buzzing around you. Joni

  2. Betty,
    I do like the way you have hand stitched the lettering. The hair is fantastic; thank you for explaining how you did it.
    The curved edges of the quilt add to that alphabet soup feeling.
    Well done!

  3. So cute Betty!
    I really like the various techniques you employed here. That 'doll-face' is so cute.... in my dreams!
    Thank you for sharing and your wavy edge caught my attention, I do that so often [usually because I am running short of the fabric I am using]. Keep having fun.

  4. You are adorable! I just want to pinch those cute little round cheeks...LOL I know what you mean with the "alphabet soup" head. Seems like everything has its acromym these days.

    KOQ...(keep on quilting, haha)

  5. Betty...are you an accountant? It takes one to know one! W-2s and 1099s are out the door, but 1040 only just started! This is a very clever the hair and expression and that marbly background fabric.
    Thanks for the smile!

  6. Hi Betty,

    This is really adorable. Love the eyes and glasses. I'm glad you had time to make this piece!


  7. Yes, Cynthia--
    I used to be a cost accountant and now I just help people with their taxes. It's a free program here in town.

  8. Hi Betty,

    I can tell you're an accountant- type from the numbers and acronyms written on the fabric! The face is very cute (eyes and glasses) and the frazzled hair is neat.

    The wavy ediges to the quiltlet are a very nice finish. The fabric has a wavy appearance to it already, so the binding/edging reinforces it.

    Looks like you had a lot of fun with this!


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