Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Frosted Window Pane

After trying "fire" with my Lava Flow quilt, I decided that I should give "Ice" a try. I found some hand dyed fabric in my stash that looked a little like frost, and so I started with that as my background. I added whispy white yarn in swirly movements to make up the frost. To add a little more interest I found these hand crocheted snow flakes among my old Christmas ornaments... made by a dear old aunt - they seemed perfect so I stitched them on to my composition. It turned out to be a frosty window pane, simple but nice. It was alot of fun to do both aspects of this challenge, and was a very enjoyable experience. I also learned a little bit more about how to just let go and get on with putting the idea into reality.


  1. I really like this. It reminds me of my bedroom window when I was growing up!

    what a good use of the ornaments. they have just enough of the "line drawing" look to them so that they don't look too complicated.

    Sandy in the UK

  2. I remember as a child, loving to view what 'jack frost' had left on the windows! What a great use for those crochet ornaments.

  3. Hi Joni, aren't you the ambitious one doing 2 pieces! And congrats on getting to the point of just jumping in rather than agonizing about it!
    This ice piece has a very frosty feel to it and I love that you were able to incorporate something dear from your dear old aunt. The fabric, binding and snow flakes are just perfect. What would it look like if some parts of the yarn were more angular or jagged like ice forms rather than entirely swirly?


  4. Cynthia,
    Maybe I'm not finished yet. It's too warm here in SC to see any real frost, but you have a good idea that I should investigate.

  5. Looks like a Jack Frost painting on my bedroom window when I was a child.

  6. Hi Joni,
    This is really pretty, but now I can't get the Christmas Waltz out of my head!

    Great job,


  7. Hi Joni - Another lovely piece. It was so nice to be reminded of frost on the windows. I haven't seen it in many years. The addition of the crocheted snow flakes along with the yarn adds just the right touch. Congrats to you for doing two pieces!



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