Saturday, February 02, 2008

Linda's Self Portrait

I began with a sketch (not a very good one, but it will have to do since I didn’t have a lot of time for this months challenge). My current favorite technique is freehand cut raw edge collage, but I abandoned thoughts of using this technique on this challenge, for something that would more easily translate my sketch.

I ended up tracing the sketch onto white cotton, added paint and quilting. I’ve gone into more detail on my blog.

I’m not very happy with the results, and don’t think it looks a lot like me. But it was fun to do.


  1. Bravo!! Linda for doing this.
    I was hoping to do something along this line myself, but couldn't find it, so did the 'impression'.
    Because it is going into a juried competition I cannot post it to blog, but do hope you will look in the photos. I am taking Pamela Allen's class in March.

    Thank you for doing this, you are always an inspiration and I look forward to your work.

  2. Hi Linda...
    In viewing your blog photo, I can certainly see the resemblance (although it appears that your hair is actually parted on the opposite side). I really admire your use of paint to create the depth and dimension, contours etc.!
    You surely captured your portrait!

  3. Hi Linda, I think it's great how you jump in and try different things...and somehow you always make successful pieces out of it. This is an effective portrait showing an observant, put together, and colorful woman! Love the flow of color and the quilting lines, too.

  4. Hi Linda,

    I agree with Cynthia; I think this is really successful (it doesn't matter if it actually is a perfect resemblance or not); actually, it looks a lot like me! Are we long-lost sisters?

    Seriously, I absolutely love the colors and the way you quilted the background. Kudos on attempting the sketching. I would show you a picture of my "literal" self-portrait, but it doesn't come out of the closet!


  5. Hi Linda,

    This seems like a departure from your typical style. I do see some similarity between this image and your photo.

    Since you're not happy with the piece, I won't comment further unless you'd like me to. Just let me know.


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